Back “Home”. 

We had a great (and tiring) week back in La Crete over Easter. We would’ve loved to visit more friends while there but our time quickly ran out. Maybe next time. Thankfully, coming back to Edmonton already felt like coming home.

We were also blessed by the season, hearing about what Jesus did for each one of us, die on the cross for our sins. Then, of course, the joyous victory of His resurrection Easter morning. Thank you, Lord.

Easter gathering at the Wiebe’s.



Braun gathering in High Level.


Owen had about enough when this picture was taken and had crashed on the couch at Grandma’s house.


Tucker and his cousin being silly on our last evening.


Since we drove home on Owen’s actual birthday, we took him for a special lunch in Slave Lake. They sang happy birthday and brought him this slab of cake.


Tucker ran for my chair when we got home and said “now i can sleep”. He had a bit of a long trip but also loved his time, but i think he’s a homebody.


First Trip Home

So tomorrow we head back to La Crete for the first time since moving to Edmonton. We’re all really excited. Lenora took the oldest three boys to a passion play tonight and me and Tucker are having some father/son time, doing some puzzles and watching kids shows. 

I still have an unusual rash on my forehead, but I went in today and they didn’t seem to be too overly concerned, so I’ll try not to worry about it too much during our trip. We plan to attend our church on Good Friday and Easter Sunday mornings. Looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can. 

Feeling much Better.

So the Lord has once again provided. When I wrote my last update, I was feeling very sick. Thanks to all who prayed for me and my family.

On Wednesday, I called in to the Cross Cancer Institute and spoke to the Dr. about my nausea. He recommended taking those drugs just before bed along with a different anti-nausea drug. And it worked like a charm, so thanks be to God for enabling man to develop useful drugs, both to kill cancer cells and also to control the side effects of those drugs. This morning, I went for about a 3km walk with my family. Just thought I’d update you so you all weren’t thinking I was still suffering like crazy!☺

We are looking forward to spending some time visiting with Lenora’s sister and her family this weekend.

True Chemo

So yesterday I started two new drugs, vincristine and procarbazine. I feel like I now have a realer chemo experience. Yesterday evening I felt terrible and threw up. Today started off great, but about 4 hours after taking the procarbazine, the nausea started again and I’ve thrown up twice since. I don’t share this to be gross or overly personal, but so you can pray more specifically. Please also pray for my loving wife, she finds it very stressful to see me being sick. Especially this way.

The vincristine drug was given by IV and the procarbazine is oral capsules. The IV I don’t get again for several weeks, but the pills are every day for the next two weeks. 

But, praise the Lord, I’m this far in and now really is the first bad side effects. I’m confident with continued prayer, this too will be doable. 

Chemo Starts Monday, March 7

So this is it, this is the dreaded Chemotherapy:  It doesn’t look like much, but this is what I take on Monday. Then the following Monday, I go in for an IV infusion of a different drug and start taking different pills every day for two weeks. Then on April 4, they do another IV infusion and then I’m done Cycle 1. Cycle 2 would start May 2. Best of all, they tell me it should be not too terribly bad as far as nausea goes. Mostly, they have to keep an eye on my blood counts with a blood test every week. Severe mouth sores are also a possibility as well as numbness and tingling in my hands and feet. 

However, the Chemo team at the Cross Cancer Institute was extremely accomodating of our schedule. So we can still go back to La Crete for Easter as planned. And Eug and Leona, we are a go for your wedding on May 7 as well.

I’m often amazed at how good everything is working out. I give full  credit to God working through the prayers of His people. Thank you so much to all who are praying for us. It is greatly appreciated. Also thanks for your generous financial support. We have not yet had to wonder about money and have even enjoyed several meals out, thanks to some of you taking us out while you’re here and to others for gift cards to different restaurants. There are also those who give cash gifts.  We are so grateful for all the help you’ve given. 

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:3-4‬ ‭NIV‬

Enjoying my Break

We’re right near the end of my two week break from regular trips to the Cross Cancer Institute for treatment. Tomorrow I go to see the Chemo Doctor to see about when we start that process.  I thought I would share a few more pictures of things we’ve done during that break.  There’s no picture to prove it, but I’m working on putting  our home video’s together and onto DVD.  Lenora, this time I think I’ll actually get it done.

Emery and I went to spend a day working for my brother Will in his wood shop. You can see some of the amazing things he has made at
I took the oldest two boys to see the Oil Kings play.  Sadly, they lost 6-1 but we had an enjoyable time anyway.
I think this was a bit of a highlight for Emery and Carson, since they’ve gotten quite into hockey lately.  This is them standing beside the statue of Wayne Gretzky holding the Stanley Cup.
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This is just this morning. It’s perfect snowman weather out here so the boys took advantage of that.

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