Back to (Home) School

Some more pictures of our daily activities.  Thanks to all of you who are still praying for us.

I am getting close to being done with my fourth cycle of chemotherapy and it still seems like every cycle is getting more difficult.  This time, I even broke out in hives and had to go to the ER in the middle of the night, because I wasn’t sure if what was happening would end up being serious or not.  We decided to play it safe and go in, even though that meant leaving the boys home alone at night. Turns out this medication that I have to take for two weeks straight can cause a reaction like that and I can just take some antihistamines for it. Would’ve been nice to know before spending three hours at the hospital.  Oh well, better safe than sorry.

We have also started with homeschooling again and I’m trying my best to help out.  I’m teaching Emery his science course and will be teaching Owen language arts once we start with that.  It’s pretty neat to  do a science course that acknowledges God as the creator.

Me and the oldest three boys went to the big Rogers Place Open House. Fairly impressive score clock measuring 46 by 46 feet.
A friendly passerby took this picture of all of us.
Our little Tucker with the rainbow picture he made with his “Myma”. That’s what he calls his Mama.  He came up with that following a breakfast of pancakes with Aunt Jemima Syrup.
The day before Carson’s birthday, we played “Mennonites” and took all four boys for really cheap haircuts before the sale was over.
On Carson’s birthday, I took him out for a bit of shopping and we saw this really cool (and quite old) Mercedes Benz.  Notice the wooden wheel spokes.
Carson chose Turkey for his birthday meal, so we worked hard preparing it.  Here he is learning to stuff the turkey.  I hadn’t thought about it, but usually when we have turkey, it is shared with several families and then we still have left overs.  You can maybe imagine how many meals this one bird will last us.
The full spread.
Speaking of birds, can you believe that the Geese fly even further south than where we are.
Me and Emery out on a bike ride. About 10 minutes bike ride from our house and we’re on a nice hay field with bales.It is right along the Anthony Henday, but it’s still pretty cool.
Some Friends invited us out for a campfire where they where they were camping.  We had a great time.

Fall Time is Quickly Approaching

Summer seems to be winding down these last few days, and I’m OK with that.  I’ve had a very nice break from active treatment again for the month of August and I’m scheduled to begin round 4 this week.  My white blood cells were “trending downward” again so they delayed me a few days again. I go in tomorrow morning to check my levels and if all is good, then they will send me home with my next round of medication.

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We had some delicious shish-ka-bobs a while ago and they were wonderful.
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Emery and Carson getting a little hockey in downstairs.
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Our dog Echo.  Emery took this picture at the park down the street from our house.
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We went to the Zoo for Tucker’s birthday and the boys dressed like twins for the day.
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Also at the Zoo, we got a good look at Lucy the Elephant.
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Me and Tucker in the train at the Zoo.
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Lenora and Carson drew this impressive emblem in the front yard.  Amazing how much courage it took to leave it there.  We have a ways to go to take huge stands for God.
Homeschool is starting on Wednesday.  Please pray for us in this regard.  The intention is for me to be fairly involved this year and teach Emery science and Owen language arts.  So really pray. 🙂