Update Photos

Here are some of the pictures I promised. Nothing much else new, so I’ll just leave it at that. God is continuing to provide and uphold us and make all this more than bearable.

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The radiation Therapist was nice enough to take this picture of my family standing by the actual radiation machine. She mentioned how most of those who work there have some sort of history with cancer that encouraged them into that chosen career path.  Makes me wonder if any of my boys will ever work in the medical field because of the experiences of their childhood.


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This is me holding the special bell that I got to ring signifying the end of radiation treatment.  Sadly, I was looking off to one side when the camera snapped.
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Here you can see how perfectly straight my hair fell out. The hair only falls out where the radiation hits my skin. So in my case, all the way around. 😉


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As I mentioned in a previous post, Carson is doing really well with the Rubik’s Cube.  This morning he solved it from totally mixed up to completely solved in 8:08.  That’s probably not his fastest time, but it was the first time we timed him.


God’s Provision

So I need to clarify. Someone texted my wife and asked if Owen had been injured on the slide hill, or why he had had surgery.  I then realized I hadn’t said why, thinking many of you already knew. Owen had his Adenoids removed.

As most of you know we still have our home in La Crete.  When we left La Crete, we had verbally rented out our house starting in March. However, those people had something come up and had to cancel recently. Of course, we were dissappointed, but we could understand their situation as well. Now, today, someone else called and it’s been rented for two months for a fair bit more than we would’ve gotten from the original renters.  Out of desperation, I had originally agreed to a really low rate, which I later regretted but couldn’t really go back on. God saw back then that I would get more and orchestrated the events this way.  Again, He has shown that His way is best, if we’ll only just trust Him.

Only one more treatment left to go and I’m done radiation. Time has really gone by quickly. At the Cross Cancer Institute, they have a bell outside each radiation unit that you’re supposed to ring after your last treatment, so I’ll do that tomorrow and post a picture of me and my family, as they’re coming to celebrate with me.

Owen the Trooper.

We are so thankful to the Lord, Owen did amazingly well following his surgery. By evening, he was up and around and laughing with his brothers. He hardly missed a beat.


As of right now, I have only 5 treatments left, and I’m still feeling quite well. Lenora came with me to my appointment with the Radiation Oncologist on Tuesday and he also thought I was doing and had done really well. Thanks to my Inlaws for coming down to help with the kids during this busy week. We really love you both.

Me and the boys went for an outing to Cabelas one day and enjoyed some time together.



Thanks again for all your prayers on our behalf. Please don’t forget to also praise Him along with us for His incredible provisions or us.

City Life for Non-City Slickers.

Some of you have very rudely referred to us as city-slickers. Just kidding, well you have, but it’s all been in good fun. But either way, I thought I’d share with you a little bit of what life is like in the city for us rural folk.

There is a slide hill just a few minutes walk from our home and the boys have loved that. Here you see the two younger ones enjoying that:


Plus, sometimes we stumble upon parks with interesting names located on interesting roads:


Plus, we thought since our boys had had to give up so much in life already (like home, school, church, friends, etc.), maybe they deserved to have a puppy.


Lenora doesn’t mind her either.  Her name is Echo and she is a 10 week old Collie.  Some of you may think we are nuts for getting a dog at this time, but so far, it’s even been nice for me and my rest schedule.  The boys are occupied with the new puppy and I can rest even better.


In the midst of these less than pleasant time, the Lord gives us these precious moments. He carries us and plants our feet so firmly on the solid ground that is His Son, Jesus Christ.

Taste and see that the Lord is good;

blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:8